Monday, 28 October 2013

A few weeks late...

... but here's my first post! Only just got round to doing this so I'll be covering what would have been the first few updates in the next few posts.


This was made just using the Standard primitives (Box, Cylinder etc. and the Connect and Extrude tools to made the raised bit at the top. I was trying to go for something simple, and I think this worked out OK, although I'm sure I could've done something else with the door at the bottom.

Ruined Building:

I'm not happy with this.I tried to make an abandoned supermarket with holes in the wall/ceiling etc. I think I need to experiment with different shapes with boolean operations, since just using spheres here was clearly not good enough.

The second image shows what's in the interior, which I also struggled with because I tried to create, shape and move the models inside it. I now know that it would be more efficient if I created the models outside the building and then moving them into the building.

One more small point - the walls where originally yellow, which made dealing with edges a bit difficult as they would blend in to the model. Also it made the building look like a mutated slab of cheese, which didn't help things.


This is actually my second attempt - I abandoned the first attempt because it was all uneven due to me not being able to find the symmetry modifier. This attempt looks much better, although it is still quite simple.

Once I had the cylinder shaped using the FFD 3x3x3 modifier, I did the rest of it by extruding polygons and resizing them to shape the wings, tail etc. Applying the plan images to planes helped a lot because it helped me keep the proportions in check, and the layer tool allowed me to turn off the side, front or bottom image if it was in the way - the first image shows the model with the guide, and the second shows it without the guide.